#350: build_html_index.sh: put photo modules in imagery section
  Reporter:  hamish  |       Owner:  grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
      Type:  task    |      Status:  new                      
  Priority:  minor   |   Milestone:  6.4.0                    
 Component:  Docs    |     Version:  svn-develbranch6         
Resolution:          |    Keywords:  man help build           
  Platform:  All     |         Cpu:  All                      
Comment (by glynn):

 Replying to [ticket:350 hamish]:

 > the photo.* modules should be listed at the end of the imagery module
 section in imagery.html and full_index.html.
 > I'm not sure how to do that..

 The build_html_index.sh iterates over prefixes, generating one HTML file
 for each prefix. You would need to significantly change the script to
 allow multiple prefixes in a single HTML file.

 In any case, I'm not sure that these modules should even appear in the
 index, as they're only usable via i.ortho.photo. IMHO, the indices should
 only list user-visible modules in $GISBASE/bin and $GISBASE/scripts, not
 the utility modules in $GISBASE/etc. The latter should be referenced from
 the manual of the module(s) which invoke them.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/350#comment:1>
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