On Jan 5, 2010, at 6:17 AM, grass-dev-requ...@lists.osgeo.org wrote:

>> I just wonder about bugs which are marked as blockers for some months.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=type&priority=blocker&priority=critical&milestone=6.4.0&order=priority
>> If nobody is going to fixed them they cannot be marked as blockers.
>> Then reporter should find someone to fix them, at the end the rc-stage
>> takes one year...

A big blocker was fixed yesterday - v.delauany broken on Mac and Windows.

Another one - v.digit broken on Windows - seems about to be fixed.

> I see:
> A) winGRASS related:
> * 580 WinGRASS: $GISBASE/etc/gui/scripts/ require something like $(EXE) to run
>  -> status unclear to me

I'm not sure about this either. Basically, there is a problem running scripts 
from anything other than the scripts directory. But I hear from the list that 
this has been fixed in at least some cases. Need someone with Windows to test.

> * 759 r.patch non-functional in WinGRASS 6.4 svn on Vista
>  -> awaiting guru comment

This is due to security routines on *some* Vista systems. It affects more than 
r.patch and can be capricious, affecting some systems and not others. The 
workaround is simply to turn off a form of the highest level of security in 
Vista. Someone who knows Windows could simply add that to the man page for 

> * 809 v.db.addtable consistently fails in winGrass
>  -> apparently not reproducable?

This is caused by the scripting issues above IIRC. Several of the db modules 
are scripts. These had problems if they called another script. I don't know if 
this is or is not a problem. Need someone with Windows to test.

> * 843 v.digit broken on new WinGrass release
>  -> contains a suggestion

In process of being fixed (message today from Hamish)

> B) Misc
> * 72  PNG driver: boundary rendering is off by one pixel
>  -> awaiting guru comment

IMHO not a blocker. This affects visual output but not analytical capabilities. 
Also only noticeable in special circumstances.

> * 384 wxGUI: vdigit crashes on a big map
>  -> who can confirm?

Should not be a blocker for 6.4 as the TclTk interface is still the official 
one at this level.

> * 461 v.to.db crashes on a shapefile connected with v.external
> -> still valid?

Don't know.

Maybe Colin, Helmut, or someone else with Window and an up-to-date Wingrass can 
quickly run a test to see if any/all are still valid problems. Maybe that can 
eliminate some. 

> I personally vote for going ahead and publishing this week RC6
> and after 1-2 weeks (really) the final version. A lot of patches
> should go into 6.4.1 then which are already piling up.
> Markus

If this is the list, it seems to me that we are about ready to release.


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