as Hamish has noted the choice of the default GUI is decided by whoever does 
the binary package (?).
So my plea was pretty much for William to make wxGUI default in his Mac binary.
People who run linux or compile GRASS from source are generally used to 
customizing so that is 
not so much an issue. It is really for newcomers who download GRASS binary and 
start GRASS
and then the first thing they have to deal with is to change GUI.
The biggest issue that the newcomers had with the TclTk GUI (and that was 
solved in wxGUI) was 
- "why the map is not displayed when I load it into gis manager?"
All of this made starting with GRASS on Mac unexpectedly more difficult than on 

At this point our semester has already started so I will have to deal with it , 
and if I understand
the process correctly, 6.4 can be released with TclTk as default but with MSW 
and Mac binaries packaged 
with wxGUI as default. Of course, I would much prefer if the release was with 
wxGUI as default. 

I don't have enough expertise on ctypes but we have troubles with it on our 
enterprise linux
when compiling, but that is just a local problem,


On Aug 18, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Michael Barton <> 
> wrote:
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:24 PM, <> 
>> <> wrote:
> ...
>> I have to agree with Hamish here. We have delayed for over a year. Getting 
>> GRASS to run robustly on Windows is worth it. But I'm not convinced that 
>> moving ctypes into 6.4 would be all that easy. Watching the issues for 
>> Windows compiling of GRASS 7 is worrisome in this regard. 6.4 works fine as 
>> is now. Let's release it and make it a bit better with 6.4.1
> Please also post your opinion about (Mac, Linux):
> - Release 6.4.0 with TclTK default GUI and switch in 6.4.1 to wxGUI as 
> default;
> - Do first RC7 with wxGUI as default, then release 6.4.0, don't change
> with 6.4.1.
> ?
> Markus
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