On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 4:31 AM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Helena wrote:
>> the quickstart looks very nice and I did not find any major
>> problems (but other may have a look too)
>> I just have couple comments:

>> As for the legend and scale - we often have trouble moving
>> around the legend with mouse after moving around the scale -
>> even if I click on the legend the mouse still picks up the
>> scale - there is a way around it but it can be frustrating for
>> the first time users. It may be safer to position the legend
>> first and the scale second but even that may be tricky. This
>> may be the case only for mac users (or perhaps windows) so it
>> may work properly on Live DVD under linux.
> it's on all platforms, the trick (workaround) is to think of
> the d.legend and d.barscale renderings on the wx map canvase
> as printed on a plate of glass, which is of finite size. you
> can slide those two pieces of glass around, but if you go to
> the left of the map decoration you be beyond the left side of
> the piece of glass so dragging on nothing. likewise if you
> drag off the top or the bottom of the pane of glass it won't
> move it either (which top/bottom side that is different for
> the two decorations). And finally if the legend's plate of
> glass is on top of the barscale's one, you'll only be able to
> drag the top bit of glass around, so to move the one below you
> have to move the top one out of the way, then move the bottom
> one, then move the top one back again. A well developed sense
> of spatial relations helps your imagination get it right..
> The current mechanism needs to be replaced, I'm pretty sure
> there's a ticket open for this one too.

I think the only way to make it work is to create some new flag in the
d.barscale and d.legend modules which prints the size of the image.
Otherwise the GUI has no information about the size, especially for
d.barscale. Something like ps.map -b flag is needed, like Hamish did
before. Would it be possible, Hamish?

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