#1619: v.krige won't load: ImportError: No module named globalvar
 Reporter:  momsen   |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect   |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0                    
Component:  Python   |     Version:  svn-trunk                
 Keywords:  v.krige  |    Platform:  Linux                    
      Cpu:  x86-64   |  
Changes (by hamish):

  * keywords:  krige => v.krige
  * component:  Default => Python



 current status in trunk, starting from the command line:

 (loading the R stuff works for me)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/hamish/src/grass/svn/trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
 gnu/scripts/v.krige", line 412, in <module>
   File "/home/hamish/src/grass/svn/trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
 gnu/scripts/v.krige", line 310, in main
     controller = controller)
   File "/home/hamish/src/grass/svn/trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
 gnu/etc/gui/wxpython/scripts/vkrige.py", line 289, in __init__
     self.Panel = KrigingPanel(self, Rinstance, controller)
   File "/home/hamish/src/grass/svn/trunk/dist.x86_64-unknown-linux-
 gnu/etc/gui/wxpython/scripts/vkrige.py", line 86, in __init__
 AttributeError: 'ColumnSelect' object has no attribute 'SetSelection'

 not sure how to fix that; the same works in devbr6. (v.krige now updated
 in devbr6 to reflect recent wxgui dir layout changes & starts up ok there)

 If I comment out the `self.InputDataColumn.SetSelection(0)` line the
 v.krige GUI starts in trunk, so it isn't too badly broken.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1619#comment:10>
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