Peter Löwe wrote:
> When trying to ingest SEG-Y data (geology/seismics) into a new location via 
> (GDAL 1.9.0) this error is thrown since the new location is set by 
> default (?) to dbf:
> The initial location from which was invoked was already switched to 
> a sqlite-backend. How can this issue be overcome ?

You can use from any location

g.proj georef=demo20071121142735_CH1_35P.seg location=segy_sqlite

This will create a new location with the projection information of the
given dataset, but will not import the dataset. Then you would need to
switch to a mapset in the new location, set default db backend to
sqlite with db.connect and import the dataset with Or
easier, use GRASS 7.


Markus M
grass-dev mailing list

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