On 28-10-14 18:38, Moritz Lennert wrote:
On 28/10/14 16:40, Anna Petrášová wrote:

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Moritz Lennert
<mlenn...@club.worldonline.be <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>> wrote:

    On 25/10/14 02:58, Anna Petrášová wrote:


        On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Anna Petrášová
        <kratocha...@gmail.com <mailto:kratocha...@gmail.com>
        <mailto:kratocha...@gmail.com <mailto:kratocha...@gmail.com>>__>


             On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Vaclav Petras
        <wenzesl...@gmail.com <mailto:wenzesl...@gmail.com>
        <mailto:wenzesl...@gmail.com>>> wrote:

                 On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Moritz Lennert
        <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>>> wrote:

                     On 14/10/14 10:38, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Moritz Lennert
<mailto:mlennert@club.>__worldo__nline.be <http://worldonline.be>

        <mailto:mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>>>> wrote:

On 14/10/14 09:14, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

                                  Putting the 'ignore' option in
        separate tab
                         with patterns is fine I
                                  think. Also, for g.remove to have the
                         and 'name' together
                                  in one
                                  tab is also a good idea imho.

                                  I am not sure I understand the last
                         you mean to add the
possibility to make an option required but
                         still have the option
                                  to put
                                  it in another section? I think that
        would be a
                         good idea, not
                                  only in
                                  this case, but more in general, it
        would make
                         it easier to create an
                                  consistent interface for modules that
                         more than a few
It might be a good idea to flag options as
                         required, e.g., by adding
                                  '(required)' after the option name?

                              I'm not sure I agree with this as this
        would leave
                         the door open for
                              required flags to be disseminated across
                         sections. I like
the fact that the use immediately sees what is
                         required to run the

                         I guess it is a matter of preference. There are
                         grey area or cases
                         where this separate 'required' tab does not
        really work

                         The '-f' flag in g.remove is one example. You
        can run
                         the module without
(so it shouldn't go in the 'required' tab), but you
                         can't do what the
                         module is basically meant to do without it,
        which is
                         removing layers (so
                         in that sense it should be a required choice).

Perhaps a better example is r.random. One of the
                         required options is the
                         output layer. That can be a raster layer, a
        vector layer
                         or both.
Because of this construct, the required output name
                         cannot be marked as
                         required. Solution is to use a separate tab
                         where the user
                         can provide the output name of the vector,
        raster or
                         both layers. So the
                         user has to fill in required information in a
                         tab' and an
                         'optional' tab. I don't think it is really
                         as failing to
                         give the output name results in a clear error
                         but it isn't
                         exactly consistent.

                     The new options to declare parameters as mutually
                     or as "at least one is requried of the group" might
        be a
                     solution to that, but no idea how to implement this
        in the GUI.

                 Put this to GUI is certainly needed but challenging and
        I it
                 will not be included in 7.0. Perhaps we should put this
        to the
manual in some way. But modules are not using it anyway.

Anyway, these "at least one required" are causing Required
                 section to be less and less used, so that's another
        reason why
                 it makes sense to leave it out sometimes.

             I think it makes thanks to 'override' the required property
        with the
             guisection. If we do it for a module, we should make sure
        there is
             no Required tab at all. I think having required parameters
        in custom
             tabs and eliminate Required tab is totally fine. Having
        Required tab
and at the same time have required parameters in other sections
             would not work well.

Also we could mark the required options in the gui somehow, for
             example add a red star? In the code I see attempts to
        render the
             labels as bold, it is not used eventually, but I don't
        think bold is
             the best way anyway.

        I attached screenshots with using the red star for required
        options (and
in this case I was also testing when the guisection is preferred to required). In my opinion, it gives you good idea what is required or
        not. There are some problems coming from the wxPython
        limitations, for
        example the one which you see on the second screenshot: when the
        is part of the border, I can't set the asterisk red, the color
        can be
        changed only for the entire label. But for majority options, it

        Regarding the required vs. guisection, I really think we should
        try to
organize the options logically, not based on required/optional. Some
        distinction of the required options is then needed and the red
        seems to be a good solution. But we can discuss some other
        options too,
        of course.

    If you really want to go down that path (it would get a 0 from me),
    then please remove the required tab completely. It will be very
    confusing to have a required section, but not with all required
    parameters in it.

    I personally like the way the required tab focuses attention on the
    most important parameters, even though I do understand that there
    are ambiguities that this system creates. I'm not sure, though, that
    getting rid of the required tab is the solution. But if you go in
    that direction it should be all the way.

Well, there are already modules which already don't have required tab
(r.colors, many t.* modules). Also a lot of modules have required tab
but it is more confusing than helpful. Do you require to remove Required
tab from all the modules? Even from modules where it still makes sense?
Or you are talking about the case when the option is required but the
guisection is specified, so it would get into a different tab? For the
first option, we would have to go through all modules (several hundreds)
and come up with some substitute, that's not feasible.

No, I agree with what Vaclav said: for those modules where required options are all in the required section, this should stay. However, if in a module you put required parameters in other sections, then there should be no more required section for that module.

Whoever creates/maintains a module can of course always decide whether to use a tab with the name 'required'. A question is what would you want to happens if you write an addon and mark on option as 'required'. Now it goes to the 'required' tab. The suggested alternative was that it gets marked by a red star, but it is up to the creator of the script to decide to what tab it goes? So these options can still go into a 'required' tab (don't know how implementing this impacts existing modules, I guess you don't want to do this manually for all existing modules)


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