On 16/01/15 12:15, Martin Landa wrote:

2015-01-16 12:13 GMT+01:00 Markus Metz <markus.metz.gisw...@gmail.com>:

Can we please get RC2 out soon? In the last days I have fixed numerous
bugs in the vector library and changed/restored the basic vector IO
interface, it is now more similar to G6 and it needed some code clean

Thanks for all this work ! Could you explain a bit more on what types of bugs this fixed ?

I agree, but would suggest to wait at least one/two week(s), probably
more bugfixes will be collected.

As these seem to be modifications in fundamental library functions, I would plead for getting RC2 out more quickly than foreseen, i.e. I'd plead for 1 week, not 2. That way these modifications will get a bit more testing before the final release.

This is one example of why the proposed release procedure [1] contains this:

"Any backports during the soft freeze should be announced on the developers mailing list with 24 hours advance to allow possible discussion."

Maybe this should be extended to "Any backports or extensive bug fixes during..." ?

If these changes had been announced, we could have delayed RC1 for a few days...


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/4_ReleaseProcedure
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