Thank you guys, this has been an ongoing issue for me for the last
year or two. I have experienced this error sporadically but could not
recreate it and thus figured it was something specific to my machine.
I noticed this error when using r.series and some of the new temporal
modules-- in each case there was an active MASK. I could reliable
cause this error to occur (but not in a deterministic manner) by
canceling (ctrl-c) a module that had opened a large number of raster
maps. The next run of r.series (or temporal module) would then fail
with the error as described in this thread.

Excellent work and +1 on a backport to grass70.


On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Moritz Lennert
<> wrote:
> On 18/07/15 11:59, Glynn Clements wrote:
>> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> One thing I noticed is that on the one test case I used here for
>>> testing your fix, running with WORKERS=0 is slightly faster than without
>>> setting it. I didn't test rigorously, but is that expected ?
>> Maybe. It avoids the overhead of switching threads. And using multiple
>> threads only provides a gain if it results in using cores which would
>> otherwise be idle.
> Ok. In any case, this probably a candidate for backporting to grass70release
> before the upcoming release. Can it be backported as such ?
> Moritz
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