The timestamp "24 Sep 2011 09:39:44 / 24 Sep 2011 09:39:45" has a one
second interval, hence its interval time in the temporal framework. If the
start and end time are equal its a time instance with no duration, hence it
has no end time. No interval no end-time.

2016-12-01 9:19 GMT+01:00 Martin Landa <>:

> Hi,
> 2016-12-01 9:14 GMT+01:00 Sören Gebbert <>:
> > You time stamp is a time instance with no duration, hence its not an
> see r.timestamp, than what means syntax datetime1/datetime2?
> > interval. Introduce a interval of one second and it should work as
> expected.
> Do you mean:
> $ t.register inp=test maps=clip_LT51910262011267KIS01_B1 --o inc='1
> seconds'
> ERROR: The increment option requires the start option
> ? Why start option needs to be given? There is timestamp which defines
> start, right? Ma
> --
> Martin Landa
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