
pá 24. 5. 2019 v 8:48 odesílatel Paulo van Breugel
<p.vanbreu...@gmail.com> napsal:
> I have read about the procedure for contributors to the main grass 
> repository. Question is, how are we going to deal with add-ons?
> Are we working with a central repository (OSGeo/grass-addons) and follow the 
> same protocol as for OSGEO/grass. If so, who will be responsible for 
> approving pull requests? An alternative more like the old situation is that 
> authors will be able to directly commit to the addon repository.

in my opinion requesting PRs for `grass-addons` is maybe overkill. It
must be somehow discussed anyway. If we suggest direct commits it's
important to avoid not needed 'merge from master' commits [1]. The
workflow must be clear (rebase always) to avoid such situations. It
was not defined yet. Even suggested workflow related to the main
repository is not clearly defined [2]. This must be improved in a near

> Or should add-on authors maintain their own repositories, and will there be a 
> way to provide links to the authors repositories in a central place?

Would be nice if g.extension (wingrass builds) supports distributed
personal repos. I can imagine that it could be driven by a metadata
file stored in central `grass-addons` repo. But someone need to
implement it (g.extension, manual pages builds and wingrass builds).
Would be cool.

> With a central repository for all add-ons I guess it will be easier to 
> maintain an overview like https://grass.osgeo.org/grass76/manuals/addons/ and 
> to create the windows binaries?

Sure. But see my notes above.


[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2019-May/092663.html
[2] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/HowToGit

Martin Landa
grass-dev mailing list

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