for some specific needs of a research project, I had to make a little
change to r.neighbors (the target version was 7.8.5 but that's not essential).

Essentially, the idea behind is computing first order statistics on partial
populations as identified by selected quantiles (samples >= or <= of a
threshold value of quantile). For that, I introduced average_ge_quantile and average_le_quantile operators modes.


(the html file is still not updated)

I'm not persuaded this is the most elegant way of doing this kind of things,
maybe it would be better using an option (as in the case of -w for weighted
operations) to compute average and possibly other statistics. Even, one could
think in general to other multiple ways of selecting population on the base of
quantiles/percentiles of population in a window.

Any hint/opinion/alternative/critic about that?
All this in the remote hypothesis that a pull request could have sense
for such a kind of features.


Francesco P. Lovergine
grass-dev mailing list

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