Does this mean I should hole off upgrading to Sonoma for a bit?

Michael Barton
School of Human Evolution &Social Change
School of Complex Adaptive System Science
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

...Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 25, 2023, at 4:12 AM, Nicklas Larsson <> wrote:
>> On 25 Sep 2023, at 12:30, Gregor Hintner <> wrote:
>> Niklas, 
>> thank you on the committed exploration of this issue, also independently 
>> verifying my own findings. 
> I’m afraid this is a problem that will be a major issue in the time to come, 
> that we will have to deal with. Thank you for reporting!
>> From a layperson perspective it does seem reasonable to me that macOS wanted 
>> apps to initialize through a conventionally made and signed binary, and 
>> would appreciate if your team would consider that. I hope Apple would offer 
>> free signing certificates, or even developer program memberships for open 
>> source projects. 
> It will be difficult to make a “conventionally made” Mac application of 
> GRASS, but a "fully working as expected" and signed one is possible. We are 
> fully aware that the present solution isn’t optimal, but it has worked. So 
> far. Now, apparently we will have to invest the time and sweat for making it 
> right.
>> By chance, did you check whether FreeCAD, the second app I encountered with 
>> an ARM release that caused the Rosetta dialog, has the same problem? 
> Running `/Applications/` from Terminal does 
> work as well, so there is the same problem behind I guess. FreeCAD is however 
> code signed (so that’s not issue causing the Rosetta problem).
> Nicklas
>> Their team never replied to my inquiry on X, but perhaps we could help get 
>> them started to fix this too. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Gregor
>>>> On 2023-09-25, at 11:59 AM, Nicklas Larsson <> wrote:
>>> Gregor,
>>> I now had the opportunity to test on macOS 14 RC and I can confirm this 
>>> issue. The problem seems related somehow to being initialised by a script.
>>> I __did___ manage to start GRASS via Terminal:
>>> 1. Run `/Applications/`
>>> 2. System will complain…
>>> 3. Go to 'System Settings > Privacy & Security > Security'
>>> 4. In the settings I enabled GRASS to be allowed
>>> 5. From now on `/Applications/` will 
>>> work
>>> This is only a workaround, I will look into how this can be solved 
>>> properly. Maybe we have to make a binary that does the job the script now 
>>> does (that used to be the case some time ago). We should also invest some 
>>> time in creating a code signed app as well.
>>> Nicklas
>>>> On 22 Sep 2023, at 11:01, Nicklas Larsson via grass-dev 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Gregor, thanks very much for the info! At least it ruled some things out, 
>>>> but I have still no idea what is causing this and it’s very difficult do 
>>>> the needed poking around without a similar setup (macOS 14 without Rosetta 
>>>> installed). I’ll have to ponder on this, if this really is caused by some 
>>>> change by macOS 14, a solution must be found sooner rather than later.
>>>> An alternative way to install GRASS with native architecture for ARM is 
>>>> with MacPorts [1]. It does, however, involve some Terminal-batics! If you 
>>>> are in need for other GIS software like QGIS in particular, MacPorts is 
>>>> currently, in my experience, a most solid solution with available GRASS 
>>>> plugin (as there is no native official bundle for ARM).
>>>> To be continued…
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Nicklas
>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> On 20 Sep 2023, at 16:47, Gregor Hintner <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Niklas,
>>>>> please find my answers below:
>>>>>> `file /usr/bin/osascript`
>>>>> evidently still a universal binary, see this screenshot
>>>>> <Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 4.13.56?PM.png>
>>>>>> `osascript -i`
>>>>> worked with no noticeable issues
>>>>>> /Applications/
>>>>> produced the unverified developer warning as expected. Logically I could 
>>>>> and should probably override this, but with 10 years since my last time 
>>>>> coding, and having never learned the basics of UNIX, I would prefer to 
>>>>> follow the strictest Apple security guidelines, or sometimes perhaps 
>>>>> theater, when possible.
>>>>> <Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 4.21.07?PM.png>
>>>>>> `sw_vers -productVersion`
>>>>> 14.0
>>>>> <Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 4.33.25?PM.png>
>>>>>> file /usr/bin/sw_vers
>>>>> universal binary
>>>>> <Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 4.31.23?PM.png>
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Gregor
>>>>>> On 2023-09-20, at 9:52 AM, Nicklas Larsson <> wrote:
>>>>>> Gregor,
>>>>>> Browsing the content of both and the, they seem 
>>>>>> correctly to have been built for arm machines. Both are based on conda 
>>>>>> dependencies and both are initiated by shell script.
>>>>>> The shell script initialising GRASS involves the use of 
>>>>>> '/usr/bin/osascript', which on macOS 12 is a universal binary. Perhaps 
>>>>>> something did change with this command, please test the following:
>>>>>> `file /usr/bin/osascript`
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> `osascript -i`
>>>>>> (which should enter interactive mode, you may exit with Ctrl-C).
>>>>>> You could also try start GRASS manually from Terminal:
>>>>>> `/Applications/`
>>>>>> (That step may, however, be prevented because of the app being unsigned).
>>>>>> For control, the FreeCAD shell script contains the following command:
>>>>>> `sw_vers -productVersion`
>>>>>> Could you try that? ’sw_vers' is also a universal binary on macOS 12. 
>>>>>> What will the following give:
>>>>>> `file /usr/bin/sw_vers`
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Nicklas
>>>>>>> On 19 Sep 2023, at 20:54, Michael Barton <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I've been corresponding with this GRASS user about how the software 
>>>>>>> works with the new Apple ARM processors. Nicklas and I have compiled 
>>>>>>> GRASS for ARM processors successfully. These are posted on the GRASS 
>>>>>>> for Mac site 
>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7Cxb64tyQ$
>>>>>>>  ). When Gregor tries to launch GRASS under the new MacOS 14 (Sonoma) 
>>>>>>> he gets a notice that Rosetta (Intel processor emulator) is needed. 
>>>>>>> They launch on my ARM MacBook Pro with no notice, but I am not using 
>>>>>>> Sonoma yet.
>>>>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions about what might be triggering this 
>>>>>>> notice at launch time? AFAIK, initialization only calls the following:
>>>>>>> 1. shell launch script
>>>>>>> 2. wxPython
>>>>>>> 3. Python
>>>>>>> Is there any other module or dependency that gets called at initial 
>>>>>>> launch (no maps displayed)?
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological 
>>>>>>> Sciences 
>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>>>>> From: Gregor Hintner <>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: GRASS GIS for Apple Silicon Macs
>>>>>>>> Date: September 18, 2023 at 11:34:02 AM MST
>>>>>>>> To: Michael Barton <>
>>>>>>>> Unfortunately I suspect we have had another miscommunication.
>>>>>>>> Let me list the specific steps that lead to the Rosetta prompt:
>>>>>>>> - Download GRASS 8.3.0 Apple ARM or GRASS 8.4dev from your webpage
>>>>>>>> - mount either downloaded Diskimage
>>>>>>>> - copy the GRASS application file from the mounted DMG to the 
>>>>>>>> Applications folder
>>>>>>>> - double click and launch the GRASS application
>>>>>>>> - macOS shows a prompt to install Rosetta to continue
>>>>>>>> Obviously the prompt only appears when actually launching GRASS, the 
>>>>>>>> launch just never progresses past it, and no console or GUI can appear.
>>>>>>>> To my eyes the OS behavior seems credible in this case, though I 
>>>>>>>> obviously have no insights beyond the regular UI level.
>>>>>>>> Could you send me an email contact to the GRASS dev list. I frankly 
>>>>>>>> never understood how these lists work, I assume some kind of e-mail 
>>>>>>>> chain, but I noticed no actual e-mail addresses on the main GRASS 
>>>>>>>> webpage, only on your Mac distribution site.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Gregor
>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 8:20 PM, Michael Barton <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Gregor,
>>>>>>>>> I lean toward this being a bug in the beta at the moment. The reason 
>>>>>>>>> is that installing GRASS should not raise a Rosetta request, at least 
>>>>>>>>> until you run GRASS. This is because GRASS is organized as a set of 
>>>>>>>>> independent modules, overlayed with an optional GUI. Running GRASS 
>>>>>>>>> invokes a shell script (that should not require Rosestta, since it 
>>>>>>>>> launches an ARM terminal) and than the GUI in Python 3 and wxPython. 
>>>>>>>>> But these should also be ARM compatible. It is possible that one or 
>>>>>>>>> more of the >300 individual modules or dependencies require Rosetta. 
>>>>>>>>> But these should not call Rosetta until they are launched. Also, they 
>>>>>>>>> are mostly in C and Python, with some C++ code--all of which was 
>>>>>>>>> compiled under ARM tools. You might post this question to the GRASS 
>>>>>>>>> dev list. It is hard to say what is causing this message to appear in 
>>>>>>>>> your beta when nothing is launched.
>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological 
>>>>>>>>> Sciences 
>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2023, at 8:02 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Understood!
>>>>>>>>>> If possible, and if you deem it worth it, I would kindly ask you to 
>>>>>>>>>> eventually address this presumed issue.
>>>>>>>>>> Apple Silicon Mac users like myself will probably avoid to install 
>>>>>>>>>> the Rosetta framework also in the future, as more and more apps get 
>>>>>>>>>> native releases.
>>>>>>>>>> Obviously, as you offer your work voluntarily and for free, I have 
>>>>>>>>>> no way to make demands, I simply submit the suggestion for your 
>>>>>>>>>> consideration.
>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore I would truly hope for someone to develop a lightweight 
>>>>>>>>>> iPadOS map authoring app in the future, as foremost the interface, 
>>>>>>>>>> paired with Apple Pencil, just fits graphics and geometry oriented 
>>>>>>>>>> work very naturally, and I personally see the entire system 
>>>>>>>>>> architecture as much more pleasant and intuitive. Lastly I would 
>>>>>>>>>> really hope that land survey work can escape the ruthless grip of 
>>>>>>>>>> proprietary software platforms like the Autodesk apps.
>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Gregor
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 4:19 AM, Michael Barton <> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks for the information. This is helpful. It is possible that 
>>>>>>>>>>> a dependency somewhere in the app needs Rosetta. However, the app 
>>>>>>>>>>> is compiled with the ARM SDK and an ARM build environment.
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological 
>>>>>>>>>>> Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2023, at 7:15 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I use an M2 MacBook Air purchased from, running Sonoma 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Beta.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The machine shipped with Rosetta excluded from the macOS 
>>>>>>>>>>>> installation as standard.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For that reason launching any Intel app will show me a prompt to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> first download and install Rosetta, with a GB amount noted, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> between 5-10 GB if I remember correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your GRASS Apple ARM binaries both show that same Rosetta 
>>>>>>>>>>>> installation prompt upon launch, with no other way to proceed.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In comparison, most other Apple Silicon labelled app binaries I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> tried, eg. Solvespace, run with no Rosetta prompt and requirement, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> as expected.
>>>>>>>>>>>> However, as mentioned before, a second Apple Silicon labelled app 
>>>>>>>>>>>> binary, FreeCAD, also causes the Rosetta prompt on my system, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> making the possibility of a Sonoma Beta bug a bit more likely.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple, AFAIK, have already reached the RC phase of the Beta period 
>>>>>>>>>>>> though, and I have encountered this issue with no other apps than 
>>>>>>>>>>>> these two.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I found this article picturing the Rosetta 2 install prompt I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> mention, proving the veracity of my account, in addition to all 
>>>>>>>>>>>> but confirming the suspected difficulty to remove it after 
>>>>>>>>>>>> installation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> GH
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 3:28 AM, Michael Barton 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Mac ARM does not require Rosetta. I am using it on my MacBook 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pro 2023 without Rosetta.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what you mean by keeping your system free of Rosetta 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or changes in your system installation. I'm running MacOS 13.5.1. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AFAIK, there is no Mac OS installation option to include or not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> include Rosetta.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRASS makes no changes to the OS. All dependencies are within the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> app.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ecological Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2023, at 6:24 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no practical way to run GRASS since the Mac ARM version 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requires Rosetta. I want to keep my system free of Rosetta, or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any irreversible changes it might make in my system installation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In order to run GRASS I would need an actual Apple Silicon 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native binary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope I read the question correctly this time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 3:13 AM, Michael Barton 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  You misunderstand my question. Did you try to import a DWG 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into GRASS? If so, what steps did you go through and what was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the output in the console?  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MIchael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ecological Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2023, at 5:29 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hours of online research, this stackoverflow post mentioning 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GDAL as at least one possible DWG GeoJSON bridge, and finding 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRASS as one of the only actively maintained Mac compatible 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GIS tools.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I find it puzzling that AutoDesk themselves offer almost no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export format choices for AutoCAD for Mac, see this support 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> article, and no JSON export for somewhat more capable Windows 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 2:16 AM, Michael Barton 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Gregor,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am asking how you are trying to import DWG files in GRASS? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What steps dod you go through? You must have done something 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in order to get the behavior you are asking about.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ecological Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 17, 2023, at 4:50 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no previous experience with GRASS, I can specify no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific modules.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I simply wanted to find an Apple Silicon compatible map 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authoring tool that allowed me to, import, view and edit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> property line geometry from a DWG file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I might have misjudged the feature scope of GRASS for that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In regard to listing a release as “Apple ARM”, I would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expect it to only contain fully ARM native code, and no x86 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> architecture dependencies.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I really see no room for negotiation or interpretation here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gregor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-18, at 1:27 AM, Michael Barton 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  These are up to date. The ARM apps are set up to not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> require Rosetta for normal GRASS modules. However, whether 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or not a piece of code will run natively with Apple Silicon 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on how that code was developed and its 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependencies. I am compiling the normal GRASS source code, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however it is designed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You say that you "hoped for GRASS GIS to help me on the DWG 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to GeoJSON conversion and editing". Which GRASS modules are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you using for this? If it is a regular GRASS module, then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the best bet is to contact the developer who is maintaining 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that module or to post your question on the GRASS dev list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ecological Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 16, 2023, at 4:42 PM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - GRASS 8.3.0 Apple ARM, 23/6/24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - GRASS 8.4dev Apple ARM, 23/8/14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both downloaded today from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Both prompted for Rosetta during launch.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U subsequently did encounter the same unexpected Rosetta 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prompt from the Mac ARM version 0.21.1 of freecad , so who 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows whether macOS Sonoma does trigger some unexpected 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> incompatibility. Other third party Apple Silicon, ARM 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> releases run just fine though, eg. solvespace and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything published on the App Store of course.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gregor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-09-16, at 8:12 PM, Michael Barton 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Greg,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you tell me which version you downloaded, when you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> downloaded it, and when it was compiled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _____________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Michael Barton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive Systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social Change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arizona State University
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tempe, AZ 85287-2701
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Executive Director, Open Modeling Foundation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7DeXKUbKg$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ecological Sciences 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dgVkpS9cztwvGGv-hsTRc5Vc0o6QJ28v5wxcBt3iZpXBnC-G0_E1qUasCdMvWceVKSW2z3TMfHwuQ7B46j2_8g$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal website:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 16, 2023, at 7:44 AM, Gregor Hintner 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Prof. Barton,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thank you for maintaining GRASS GIS bundles for, indeed, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the world’s best computers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no previous GIS experience, but have come to look 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for a way of converting positioning data, delivered to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me in 3D DWG format from a land survey assignment, to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IGES or STEP, and GeoJSON for further use.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had hoped for GRASS GIS to help me on the DWG to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GeoJSON conversion and editing side, but your most 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent listed stable and development Apple ARM releases 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have both asked for Rosetta ton run.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> May I ask you to help me understand why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do run the latest MacOS Sonoma Beta, I see no reason 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how or why this should affect Rosetta requirement 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gregor Hintner
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