On 29/03/14 07:04, Luca Delucchi wrote:

with the upcoming GRASS 7 release we have to many branches to maintain
(releasebranch6, devbranch6, releasebranch7 and trunk).
Can I ask you to take a decision about the future of all this branches?

I could suggest something like:
- keep releasebranch6 only for important bugfixes, no new feature and
starting to forget it
- put in reading mode or remove (after backport the differences with
grass64) devbranch6
- releasebranch7 is the new stable release branch, so new features
only when we are far from release a new version
- trunk for new feature

what do you think?

The initial idea was to create a tech-preview release of grass7, not an official 7.0 release. Has that changed during the sprint ?

If we only do a tech release, I don't think we really need a releasebranch. Just a short (max 2 weeks) commit freeze to trunk to make sure everything compiles and runs as expected (with known bugs) and then release.

Concerning grass6, I agree that we should probably merge release and dev. Maybe

- backport anything from dev to release that is stable enough for release (if there is anything left to backport)
- publish grass6.4.4
- if there is anything in 6-dev which is not in trunk, then forward-port that if necessary/feasible
- then, as you propose, abandon 6-dev and keep 6-release in maintenance mode

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