The issue raised at is difficult to address. On Windows, using the latest CRAN binary rgdal and rgrass7 for reading the WinGRASS 7.8.5 location projection, g.proj looks at PROJ_LIB, which is that defined when rgdal was loaded.

The CRAN Windows binary rgdal package was built with the PROJ version bundling EPSG 10.008, but WinGRASS 7.8.5 has EPSG 9.8.6. Because the tables and field names changed EPSG 9 -> 10, WinGRASS g.proj fails to read PROJ proj.db.

If you see this, remotes::install.github("rsbivand/rgrass7") will help, but it does not resolve the problem of RGDAL overwriting the PROJ_LIB environment variable.

Attempts will continue to find ways to leave the environment variable used by g.proj alone in rgdal, as this ESPG 9/10 incompatibility will affect interactions between builds of rgdal binaries used with other software built using proj.db based on EPSG on the "other" side of the incomatibility.


Roger Bivand
Emeritus Professor
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen, Norway.
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