
did you update Xorg but forgot to re-install the OpenGL
driver for your video card? Since nviz uses OpenGL, this could
be a problem.


On Jan 21, 2008 6:07 PM, Philipp Steigenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi
>  since today I have a problem with nviz. last week it has been working very
> well but today *surprise* data loss :o(
>  First time I met the problem I started nviz with a rasterfile and
>  GRASS:~/gw$ g.r -p
>  projection: 99 (Transverse Mercator)
>  zone:       0
>  datum:      potsdam
>  ellipsoid:  bessel
>  north:      5348531.5719558
>  south:      5317450.80738016
>  west:       4397442.97214944
>  east:       4422732.52916468
>  nsres:      30.00073801
>  ewres:      29.99947451
>  rows:       1036
>  cols:       843
>  cells:      873348
>  nviz map vect=map1,m ap2,map3
>  I got the two little windows for some seconds and than the screen went
> black and I had to login again. Fortunately I didn't lost that much data.
> Just some lines in kate.
>  I can reproduce this problem
>  It also happens with a resolution of 100m and without vector files or just
> if I start nviz quickly without any map.
>  (last week I used nviz with a bigger map in a very high resolution without
> problems =-O )
>  I made a reboot and tried it without any other program running.
>  I use GRASS 6.3.cvs (2007)
>  on
>  System Information
> ============================================================================
>  Platform                Unix
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Operating System     &nbsp ;  Linux
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  OS Version    
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Processor Type (arch)   i686
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Full OS ID              Linux-
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Tcl Version/Patchlevel  8.4.12
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  any suggestion?
>  Thank you
>  om shantih
>  Philipp
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