Hey folks.

I want to make a 3d map of canada where each province is extruded base
don certain values.  My provinces shape looked like it was being hassled
so I thought ok, keep it simple.

1. created a small shape in the digitizer
2. v.extrude the vector with a single element
3. used 30 as my height

v.extrude [EMAIL PROTECTED] output=Ontario3D zshift=0 height=30
type=point,line,boundary,area layer=1

And it just hangs (output bellow).

The green bar does not complete.

I am using wingrass 6.3 cvs

And as I'm in windows the v.extrude process is still running. When I
kill the single process the whole GRASS session dies

This is the output:
0 areas built      
0 isles built
Attaching islands: 
Attaching centroids: 

Topology was built.
Number of nodes     :   19790
Number of primitives:   20075
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   0

Building topology ...
Registering lines:    1000   2000   3000
4000   5000   6000   7000   8000
9000  10000  11000  12000  13000
14000  15000  16000  17000  18000
19000  20000
20075 primitives registered      
Building areas: 
Number of centroids :   0
Number of faces     :   20017
Number of kernels   :   58
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0

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