
Hamish wrote:
Richard Chirgwin wrote:
- Grass Version: Grass 6.3RC4 (William K's build)
- MAC OSX Leopard
- Using CURL
- I used the r.in.wms interface, which generated this command line:
r.in.wms output=test mapserver=<private> layers=psma:all
srs=EPSG:4326 format=png wmsquery=version=1.1.1 maxcols=1024 maxrows=1024 'wgetoptions=-c -t 5 -nv' 'curloptions=-C - --retry 5 -s -S' method=nearest v=1 --overwrite

The wget options are pre-completed by the r.in.wms UI - should I
delete these?

If you like, but they should be ignored if using Curl.
Does the script work if you install wget?
Can't use wget, the remote server uses Curl. I will fetch the debugs for you tomorrow.


Hamish wrote:
can you rerun with:

GRASS> g.gisenv set="DEBUG=1"

(set back to 0 to turn off debug messages)

To help more I really need to see that debug output. There is a debug
message in wms.download on the line before the one that triggers your
error which echos the attempted eval command. ("g.message -d")


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