On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Hamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, it's a lot. The current vector engine allocates a small amount of
> memory per feature for topology. With the DBF as database and default
> v.in.ascii settings I've only ever managed to import about 3 million
> points before running out of memory. I am interested to hear that you
> could load 5 million into a SQLite DB, maybe that is more efficient.

GRASS 6.3.0svn (patUTM):~/data/lidar_PAT_raw/raw > wc -l big.txt
13072022 big.txt

GRASS 6.3.0svn (patUTM):~/data/lidar_PAT_raw/raw > head big.txt
659936.35 5096943.37 368.58
659900.34 5096968.01 1082.09
659900.23 5096966.73 1082.84
664549.79 5097099.35 234.83
664553.50 5097099.56 234.70
664551.90 5097098.79 234.70
664550.46 5097098.11 234.98
664557.22 5097099.75 234.71
664555.68 5097099.02 235.02
664554.24 5097098.33 235.02

GRASS 6.3.0svn (patUTM):~/data/lidar_PAT_raw/raw > date ; v.in.ascii big.txt
out=big -z z=3 fs=space ; date
Mon Apr 14 10:17:46 CEST 2008
Scanning input for column types...
Maximum input row length: 29
Maximum number of columns: 3
Minimum number of columns: 3
Importing points...
Building topology ...
Registering lines:
primitives registered
Building areas:  100%
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands:
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built.
Number of nodes     :   13070034
Number of primitives:   13072022
Number of points    :   13072022
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   0
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0
v.in.ascii complete.
Mon Apr 14 11:25:21 CEST 2008

It took (despite the lines print overflow above) a bit more than 1h to
13 million points into SQLite.

Unfortunately v.univar cannot yet calculate on the x, y, or z geometry
to perform further performance tests.


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