Dear Mr. Markus Metz ,

Thank you very much for your quick reply!
I misunderstood that tmerc is the same as UTM...

I tried again following your advice, but I have additional questions...
Could you kindly reply me, please?

Projections don't match. The shapefile is in tmerc (Transverse Mercator), not utm (Universal Transverse Mercator). You should create a new location with the projection of the shapefile:
      Dataset PROJ_INFO is:
      name: Transverse Mercator
      proj: tmerc
      datum: wgs84
      a: 6378137.0
      es: 0.006694379990141317
      lat_0: 0
      lon_0: 99
      k: 0.999600
      x_0: 500000
      y_0: 0
      no_defs: defined
3) dsn=lu2543s.shp output=lu2543s -o
Succeeded, but had an error message.
Seems to failed to Import of area and isles...???
Looks like you ran out of memory? This message <assertion "n" failed: file "node.c", line 48> means that an attempt to allocate more memory failed. Consequently, cleaning failed, topology was not built and the imported vector is not usable. The solution would be to install more RAM or increase swap space.
I created new tmerc location.
< dsn=lu2543s.shp output=lu2543s > worked, but I had same error message <ssertion "n" failed: file "node.c", line 48>.
You told me that this is because of shortage of RAM.
So, I tried to use another PC (Grass6.2.2), created tmerc location, and tried to import the same shp file.
Then, I received an error message saying that projections don't match!
In this time, data set projection was reported as follows;

Dataset PROJ_INFO is:
   name: Universe Transverse Mercator
   proj: utm
   datum: wgs84
   a: 6378137.0
   es: 0.006694379990141316
   zone: 47
   no_defs: defined

The data supplier told me that the projection of this shp file is UTM.
So, the message of new PC seems to be correct, and previous message may be wrong.
Anyway, it is very confusing...
In addition, import of shp file was failed, too, probably because of shortage of RAM...

It is strongly recommended to use grass-6.4 instead of grass-6.2.3 if possible.

Can such confusing situation be resolved if I install grass-6.4?

I forgot, it may help to close all other applications to get as much memory as possible. BTW, the procedure to break polygons should use about 20% less memory in grass65 than in grass64 and something between 20% and 40% less memory in grass7 than in grass64.

In grass HP (,
I can find only GRASS-6.4.
Where can I get grass-6.5 and grass7?

Now I use grass 6.2.2.
Does grass-6.4 use smaller memory than grass 6.2.2?

Thank you in advance.

Natsuko Yoshifuji

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