Lubica wrote:
> I have pretty much setup grass for its ortho photo function
> that seems not to work because it needs certain ‘xterm’. If
> anyone could respond how I can get it/upload it, I would
> appreciate it. Thank you. 

xterm is only available on platforms with X-Windows. That is,
UNIX- like operating systems such as Linux & Mac OSX. For
MS-Windows you would need to install the Cygwin UNIX-
compatibility suite to get X-Windows (and so xterm) working.

What platform are you on?

If you are on a PC and need to go the Cygwin route, there is a
pre-made Cygwin package for GRASS 6.3.0 avail. for download in
the "Old Versions" section of the download page. Not to worry
though, the orthophoto modules haven't changed much in the year
since 6.3.0 was released.

Once 6.4.0 is released if someone is feeling kind they might
build a new cygwin installer for people in that situation.

good luck,

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