On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Casey Vandenberg wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have been noticing some discrepancies in the PROJ_INFO files that are created using Grass6.4 RC4 between the projection values option in the tcltk interface and the location wizard option using the wxpython interface.

For example, inputting the projection info:

Coordinate System=UTM
Datum=Nad27 - T04 (Transformation Parameters for Alaska)
Ellipse: Clark66

I get the following PROJ_INFO files created.

tcltk interface results:

name: UTM
datum: nad27
nadgrids: alaska
proj: utm
ellps: clark66
a: 6378206.4000000004
es: 0.0067686580
f: 294.9786982000
zone: 8

wxpython results:

name: Universe Transverse Mercator
proj: utm
ellps: clark66
zone: 8
no_defs: defined

They are exactly equivalent except that the wxpython one is missing the datum information (adding the line "nadgrids: alaska" would fix that). So the Tcl/Tk one is actually correct.

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