Hi All,

I am returning to GRASS after a 10 year hiatus and I must say that I am impressed ! I am working on some simple network analysis (road distances from a point) and want the output to appear as concentric rings. I think I need to use v.net.iso on my road network but it appears from the manual that the output from v.net.iso is a line file. I'd like to push that out to a polygon to get concentric rings so it looks like I need a few more processing steps. Like I said, it has been a long while since my GRASS4.0/4.1 days - what would people suggest using to push the output of v.net.iso out to a polygon ? v.surf.idw, v.surf.icw, v.hull ? Aren't these all point interpolations and I need to interpolate from lines ?

Thanks in advance !


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