Thanks hamish!  I will try you suggestions back at work.  Most of my
queries where answered.
One of my question, I discovered that when I open the .ps file to
Adobe Illustrator.  It seems that the whole vector layer is included
with the a white foreground mask outside the region settings.

Am I correct that the vector is not "clipped" within the region settings?

On 8/20/09, Hamish <> wrote:
> maning wrote:
>> Basically my workflow for creating paper maps is create the
>> main map in  Export the ps output to pdf or png in a
>> graphics software (scribus or illustrator).  Edit all map elements
>> legend, anotations, etc.
>> What I want is to be bale to create the map purely within
>> grass and module.
> sure, it's possible.
>> Several questions:
>> 1. I need to prepare separate mapsheets of landcover data.  I have a
>> vector layer in grass of all the boundingboxes.  How can I call
>> to create mapsheets using the individual boundingboxes as the region
>> settings?
> hmmm how to extract the bounding box of each category in a vector map?
> I think there might be a way, but I'm not sure, maybe someone else knows.
> anyway you can write a shell loop to use v.extract to pull out that
> one category and then use "g.region vect=extract_cat_$CAT" to zoom in
> on that one area. If you want a buffer around it, try like:
> g.region vect=$MAP
> g.region res=5000 -a
> which will grow outwards until it hits a 5km round number.
> while you are there save the region with 'g.region save=' with a name
> derived from that box name so you can jump to it quickly later on.
> something like
> for CAT in `v.category master_bounding_box_map option=print` ; do
>    v.extract in=master_bounding_box_map out=bbox_$CAT list=$CAT
>    g.region -d
>    g.region vect=bbox_$CAT
>    g.region res=5000 -a
>    g.region res=10   # back to normal for raster map res
>    g.region save=bbox_$CAT
> done
> then
> for REGION in `g.mlist region pattern=bbox_*` ; do
>    g.region region=$REGION
> out=landcover_$REGION in=- << EOF
>        ....
>        end
>    ps2pdf landcover_$
> done
>> 2. Each mapsheet requires a different locatormap as reference.  How
>> do I add the locatormap using a bigger region settings around
>> the mapped region settings?
> inlays:
> first for each mapsheet save a region with 'g.region save='.
> then (in a loop) create a .eps file drawing the overview
> map but also using the "region" instruction to draw a box
> over the top of it. I like to use a red frame with width of 2,
> but you'll have to experiment with the width as this .eps will be
> much smaller on the page once it is embedded. Because it will be
> so reduced you can probably set the resolution quite coarse, with
> a little math you can figure out how many raster column cells equate
> to 300dpi at your target width (e.g. if you want the inset to be 2"
> wide set the region resolution to be so columns is about 600 cells.)
> once you have those just use the 'eps' instruction to place
> them on the map. Use the 'rectangle' instruction to add a thicker
> border if you like.
> again, if you write the script like this:
> for MAP in `g.mlist rast patter=*.landuse` ; do
>    case "$MAP" in
>       landuse23)
>          MAP_TITLE="Map of landuse category 23"
>          ;;
>        landuse24)
>          MAP_TITLE= ...
>          ;;
>    esac
> out=$ in=- << EOF
>       raster $MAP
>       eps 10% 10%
>         epsfile locator_$MAP.eps
>         scale 0.2
>         end
>       text 650000 7365000 Landuse for $MAP_TITLE
>         end
>       end
> then you can use shell variable replacement within the instruction file.
> another way is to have a shell script write a bunch of files instead of
> running directly; or just make a master instruction file then copy
> it a bunch of times and tweak each individually. that last way is a pain
> if you decide to change anything though, as you have to make the edit
> in every copy of the file.
> you can put the non changing bits in a template file and then do like:
> for MAP in `g.mlist` ; do
> in=- << EOF
>      raster $MAP
>      eps ..
>        epsfile region.$MAP
>        end
>      `cat common_instructions.txt`
>      end
>> 3. Legend symbology for different landcover categories within a single
>> polygon vector.  As a workaround, I separate landcover categories as
>> separate vector layers.
> you can keep them all in the same file, just repeat the vareas command
> but limit by SQL query each time, and set the "label" for each vareas
> as needed. see example here:
>> 4. Tips and tricks for different annotations.
> you'd have to be more specific about what you mean. many tips here:
> see also ps.output in wiki addons.
>> 5. Combine different output into one map.
> see
> feel free to add anything useful to those wiki pages.
> Hamish

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