On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 10:09 +0200, Xavier Delaunay wrote:
> Dear Nikos,
> I had the same compilation error when compiling Starspan, although I am 
> not using GRASS. I googled the error message and I found your post.

> I also find clues here:
> https://safe.nrao.edu/wiki/bin/view/GB/Knowledge/Gcc3Compatibility?sortcol=table;up=#3_3_STL_iterators_are_not_pointe

> And there:
> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/

> So my solution has been to add the following line at the beginning of 
> the source file src/stats/Stats.cc
> #include <algorithm>
> This works in my case.
> Hope this helps.

> I am not using the GRASS mailing list, so you can post this solution if 
> it works in your case.

> Best regards,

[cc-ing to grass-user ML]

Many many thanks Xavier :-)

Indeed, it works. I could never find this since I am an (almost
complete) ignorant wrt to C. Hope this helps others as well.

Kindest regards, Nikos

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