> example:
> http://bambi.otago.ac.nz/hamish/grass/screenshots/inlets_03_SurfSal_icw_big.png
> sample data points are given with black diamonds. interpolation
> must travel around islands and along channels.

ooh, that looks good. Very useful for interpolating data with faultlines,
I guess. However, quite the overkill for my little problem ;)

> by AA, do you mean like a 0 floor and 255 ceiling and depending
> on how much vector line in the cell the output raster value
> is somewhere in between (with length of cell diagonal == *1.0 ),
> or is it still binary null || line_value but in a more smeary
> way than normal?

I think suggestion #1 should be implemented in v.to.rast anyway,
as it would be a functional improvement for many use cases where
attribute values from vectors are to be transferred to a raster
with DCELL/FCELL type cells.

Your second suggestion would be an alternative, additional
method with its own uses. Easily implemented, I imagine,
by letting the user control the threshold (% of cell area
crossed by line) above which a cell should be set to "1"
(or whatever). In my scenario, a pixel should be placed,
whenever the % crossed area > 0.0.
The value to place could be the line value or an average of
neighbouring cells. Both may have applications.



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