Thanks Michael,

>> Dear Grass,
>> I am having a problem when I try to change the legend for my raster
>> file using to GUI. This happens even if I select a new legend to add.
>> As soon as I select the raster map from the list Grass freezes for
>> several minutes.
>> Perhaps it is a problem with the raster file or the rules file,
>> however it runs fine when I run the command in the terminal. I would
>> like to do this in the GUI since I am not sure how to do all of my map
>> resizing and saving as .tif from the command line.
>> Can someone please advise me on this?
>> I am using Grass 6.4 with standard GUI (not Python)
>> System is Mac OS 10.6.1
>> Thanks in advance for your time,
>> Michael
>  I see that you are using Snow Leopard, which has Python 2.5.1 and 2.6 on
> it. It can also have a couple different wxpython versions. William
> Kyngesburye has worked out special instructions for compiling on Snow
> Leopard.

I installed GRASS on my new computer from this page a week or so ago.

> If you are not using a recently compiled binary (after mid-September), you
> will have problems.
> My guess is that this is related to ticket:
> This is caused when you compile
> GRASS with more than one version of python on your Mac. In these
> circumstances, there is an error in a display widget (PseudoDC). The whole
> issue is complicated but I can explain more if you are interested in the
> intricacies of the code.

As far as I can tell this seems to be a similar problem.

> The fixes are to either
> 1) find the second version of Python and any vestiges of a second wxpython
> and delete them (sometimes harder than it seems, and especially complicated
> with Snow Leopard with needs 2 official Python versions), make distclean,
> and recompile. Or

Indeed! I have no idea how to find these files and I fear that I will
really mess something up here.

> 2) bundle wxpython with GRASS.

Unfortunately I don't know how to do this. On the page I listed above
it says that wxpython is included in the GRASS install. I didn't think
that I was using the Python GUI but perhaps I am misunderstanding
something here.
When I open GRASS I hit return to load the GUI I don't run "g.gui wxpython".
Is there an idiots guide to on how to bundle wxpython?

> The second option guarantees that you are running with the version of
> wxpython that you compiled with and that all parts of GRASS are using the
> same wxpython. I'm recommending bundling wxpython with all Mac binaries to
> avoid this and other problems.

Thanks for this,

Michael Denslow

Graduate Student
I.W. Carpenter Jr. Herbarium [BOON]
Department of Biology
Appalachian State University
Boone, North Carolina U.S.A.

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