I downloaded the 6.x firesimulation data set and demo script from:
http://www.hpcc.nectec.or.th/grass/download/data6.php (Yes, I am using the script on that page, not the one that is included in the compressed file)
But, when I run it I get an error:

It gets as far as this:
 r.random my_spread n=10 raster_output=my_path
Collecting Stats...
Writing raster map <my_path> ...

But then reports an error here:
r.spreadpath -v x_input=my_spread.x y_input=my_spread.y \
> output=my_path
ERROR: option <output>: <my_path> exists.

It is correct that my_path exists, because it was created in the prior step. But the documentation for r.spreadpath says in part:

Name of raster map layer to contain output. Also can be used as the map layer of the input target points. If so used, the input target point map will be overwritten by the output.

It seems like the script is trying to use this as both the input and output, as it says should be allowed. But it is instead giving an error. I also tried to add --overwrite to r.spreadpath, but then I just get a completely yellow window for the output with no paths at all.

Is there a bug in the script, or a bug in r.spreadpath?

I am using William Kyngesburye's Grass 6.4RC5 on a Mac OS 10.5.



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