On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Nikos Dumakis <nikosdu1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In order to ensure that the remote sensing data sets are consistent and that
> changes identified through multi-temporal analysis are indeed actual changes
> in surface properties and not triggered by changed illumination and
> extinction conditions, it is important to correct for effects of atmospheric
> attenuation of the signal recorded at the sensor, as well as for
> illumination variations within the scenes resulting from the
> sun-sensor-surface constellation.
> As far as I saw, there are no GRASS functions to perform Radiometric
> Correction.

There is: i.atcorr.

> The only reference that I found was related with Conversion of
> DN's to absolute radiance values==> GRASS book refers it as Image
> Calibration from DN to apparent radiance at sensor.
> Is there any function to perform radiometric correction? or anyone has
> developed something like that?

Yes, please see

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