Niels Thevs wrote:

> in a script, which I executed under GRASS 6.4 under Ubunto, I included 
> commands like input=/media/.../filename output=surfac_ereflection.
> 1. An error message illegal filename <surfac_ereflection.1>, <illegal 
> character showed up. When I typed this command into the window underneath 
> the output window, it worked fine. I also run the script using data 
> on a FAT32 formatted partition as well as data in the /home directory.
> The files to be imported are MODIS data.

How are you creating the script? Are you sure that invalid characters
(e.g. carriage return, non-breaking space, etc) aren't being introduced?

Try to create a minimal script which demonstrates the problem, then
post it as a binary attachment.

Glynn Clements <>
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