On 01.05.2010 07:46, Jarek Jasiewicz wrote:
Interested question, but I think the easiest answer is carving or stream
burining (r.stream.carve). Next reproduce r.watershed or
r.stream.extract you shall receive (almost) ideally confidential network
with supplied

Hi Nikos,Jarek,

Stream burning: Thats what I thought about.

Further I suggest to weight the DEM with the contour information.
A guess how this could be done:
v.to.rast contourmap
r.fillnulls (to interpolate between contour lines raster map)?
r.mapcalc dem*contourrast
then r.watershed

Best regards,

PS: Check the global dataset "HydroSHED"! It uses stream burning and works perfectly (for non profit projects). Its resolution? 3",15",30",5'! I successfully used it to create a global runoff-network for the global runoff model LSDM (Dill 2008).
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