
I've got these coordinates
upper-right-corner: 33 degrees, 40 minutes, 31.28 seconds S
                           18 degrees, 17 minutes, 32.52 seconds E

 lower-left-corner: 33 degrees, 40 minutes, 31.28 seconds S
                          18 degrees, 38 minutes, 55.37 seconds E

I want to clip a portion of Cape Flats using these coordinates from a
GeoTiff that covers the whole South Africa. I tried to convert these
coordinates into decimal degrees but when I'm trying to run   gdal_translate
-projwin -33.67536 18.29237 -33.94925 18.64871 srtmgdem.tif cape_flats.tif
its giving me an error message:

Input file size is 36001 , 24001
Computed -srcwin -52409 -39950 -328 -427 from projected window.
Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 36001X24001
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