Dear all,
since several years I developed my own scripts in shell languages (linux) for GRASS 6.4. Now, I want to develop my future scripts in C language (because it's more convenient than shell language), but the beginning is quite difficult. I begin by developing several litlle scripts in C which are able to print on screen the number of features of a vector, list the category or calculate area of polygons, etc ... But making more complex scripts is still not so easy for me : as I'm a beginner on C language too but also because finding development documentation for beginner in C language is not easy (I read the pages in the WIKI GRASS and in the GRASS programmer manual). So I'm searching people who are agree to exchange with a newbie in C to help me : by email, phone or even I can travel for a one day meeting or formation !! I'm located in France so I search in priority european (or French !!) people. As I work for a public research organisation, I can plan some exchange with other research organizations quite easily .

Thanks for any response

Michael Rabotin


Michaël Rabotin
Ingénieur d'étude en géomatique / GIS Engineer

Laboratoire d'étude des Interactions Sol, Agrosystème et Hydrosystème

Bat. 24
2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier cedex 1 FRANCE

LISAH : Laboratory Interactions between Soils, Agrosystems and Hydrosystems
Multi-Institute Research Unit (UMR)
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
French Institute for Research and Overseas Development (IRD)
School of Agronomy of Montpellier (SupAgro)

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