Hi there

I am fairly new to GRASS GIS and need some help on how to use GRASS GIS for 
batch jobs. 
I have a series of 1000 MODIS sat-images that I want to batch-process in GRASS 
GIS in the following simple way:

r.in.gdal -e input=F:\Projects\LSTdaily\2000_065_LST_Day_1km.tif 
r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius=float(2000_065_LST_Day_1km * 0.02)-273.15"
r.mapcalc "LST65_Celcius0 = if(LST65_Celcius>-200, LST65_Celcius, null())"
r.out.gdal -c input=LST65_Celcius0 nodata=-9999 
output=F:\Projects\BBMB\GRASSGIS\LST65_c.tif type=Float32

I know I can do this manually with the GRASS command line, but I would like to 
create a batch file where this can be executed from. 
Thus the batch file should be able to open GRASS GIS and execute the few lines 
above without any interaction needed. 

Does anyone have a similar batch-file I can look into, or can anyone assist me? 
I am not experienced within shell-programming and other things that I have 
found related to this topic. 

I am working on a Win XP/7 with GRASS GIS 6.4. 

Best regard

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