On Oct 14, 2010, at 11:36 AM, William Kyngesburye wrote:

>>> The GRASS package seems to be incomplete - it's running the system 
>>> wxpython, but linking the bundled wx libraries, which are probably much 
>>> newer and incompatible with the system.  If both wxpython and wx libraries 
>>> are bundled, then maybe the bundled wxpython is not in the python path (it 
>>> should be in etc/python in the GRASS app package).
>>> Did you build from source?  Or install a binary (I think Michael Barton has 
>>> a svn binary available)?
>> Yes, from source.  
> Are you using the system wxpython or did you install a binary from 
> wxpython.org? (note: the system wxpython is a bit old, though it fits the 
> minimum needed for GRASS)

It's the system wxpython

> Are you explicitly bundling wxpython?  If not, it's odd that it thinks the wx 
> libraries are bundled (the "expected in..." part of the error).

No, I did the export nad2bin line and then configured with the given (long) 
./configure  (which doesn't appear to mention python or wxpython........)

I did not do the '--with-python  

>>> On Oct 14, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Stuart Edwards wrote:
>>>> Hi -
>>>> OSX 10.6.4
>>>> I have installed 6.4.1svn and get the following startup error:
>>>> '/Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/grass.sh'; exit
>>>> SEsMacPro:~ stu$ '/Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/grass.sh'; 
>>>> exit
>>>> Rebuilding Addon HTML manual pages index...
>>>> Rebuilding Addon menu...
>>>> Python 2.6.1 found.
>>>> Cleaning up temporary files ...
>>>> Starting GRASS ...
>>>> ERROR: wxGUI requires wxPython. 
>>>> dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_controls_.so,
>>>>  2): Symbol not found: __ZN10wxListCtrl19GetBackgroundColourEv
>>>> Referenced from: 
>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_controls_.so
>>>> Expected in: 
>>>> /Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib
>>>> in 
>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/_controls_.so
>>>> Error in GUI startup. If necessary, please
>>>> report this error to the GRASS developers.
>>>> Switching to text mode now.
>>>> Hit RETURN to continue...
>>>> I was using 6.4.0 immediately prior with the wxpython gui so it's there 
>>>> ........
>>>> Thanks for any assistance -
>>>> Stu
> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/
> "We are at war with them. Neither in hatred nor revenge and with no 
> particular pleasure I shall kill every ___ I can until the war is over. That 
> is my duty."
> "Don't you even hate 'em?"
> "What good would it do if I did? If all the many millions of people of the 
> allied nations devoted an entire year exclusively to hating the ____ it 
> wouldn't kill one ___ nor shorten the war one day."
> <Ha, ha> "And it might give 'em all stomach ulcers."
> - Tarzan, on war
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