I totally agree with you, but the point is the statement is bold without
any extra information. It was a bit more of a marketing!

It can be re-written as: In comparison with ESRI and Mapinfo,  Manifold
was the first Windows OS GIS software to release 64 bit version.


> I don't think non-commercial enterprises get considered in "Industry"
sometimes. So the statement is sorta true from their perspective (though
not in reality). Also in the context of applications that run on a
Windows OS it wouldn't be surprising because there wasn't a stable 64
bit windows back then to use 64bit applications on. That's still
somewhat the case, Manifold is one of the only GIS applications that
runs on Windows that you can buy a 64bit version of.
> As long as I can remember since I first installed GRASS and QGIS on my
Ubuntu box I've had 64bit versions running. I know for sure I can trace
that back to Breezy Badger in 2005. It's actually mirky further back
because I can't find a package list online for older versions of Debian
but my guess is they've had 64bit GRASS since the "2001" release
mentioned previously. So not sure when it went from, you can compile 64
bit to it's one-click installable as a package happened.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 02/02/2011 09:49 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 5:40 PM,  <razmjoo...@faunalia.co.uk> wrote:
>>> I am reading through
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifold_System
>>> It claims:
>>> "Release 7.00 was issued in May 2006 and followed up by Release 7x in the
>>> next three months. 7x was released in two flavors: 32-bit and 64-bit.
Manifold 7x was the first ever 64-bit GIS application in the
>> If we are not industry, maybe yes :p
>> Changelog:
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/source/snapshot/ChangeLog.gz
>> 2005-07-12 15:11  markus
>>         * added 64bit notes
>> 2005-07-15 11:40  markus
>>         * advertise 64bit support if activated
>> No claim that I did the work of course! It was the effort of multiple
developers, just above traces I could easily find.
>>> Does any know when GRASS 64-bit was first released?
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/announces/announce_grass500pre2.html
>> GRASS GIS 5.0.0pre2 released 13 September 2001
>> "Platforms supported by GRASS:
>> Linux, Sun Solaris, Sun Solaris/Intel, Silicon Graphics Irix, HP-UX,
DEC-Alpha, PowerPC, MacOS X, AIX, BSD, CRAY and other UNIX compliant
platforms (32/64bit), experimentally Windows NT/2000 running Cygnus "
>> ... so that was way before 2006.
>> Markus
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