Hi all, I'm trying to combine two raster using the r.mapcalc/r.mapcalculator
but am getting no where. I'm using python. 

# I did this previously... so "dem" and "rain" exist as rasters

# Then I try this...
grass.run_command("r.mapcalculator",amap="dem",bmap="rain",formula="A *

The output from that gives me...
r.mapcalc "test_combo" = "( "dem" * "rain" )"

When I try to add "test_combo" to the display in GRASS, nothing shows, even
when I try to zoom to the layer in GRASS.

r.info gives me the following:
 | Layer:    test_combo2                    Date: Fri Feb 18 13:19:52 2011   
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT                      Login of Creator: jay            
 | Location: newLocation                                                     
 | DataBase: .........                                              |
 | Title:     ( test_combo )                                                
 | Timestamp: none                                                           

 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255            
 |   Data Type:    FCELL                                                     
 |   Rows:         20                                                        
 |   Columns:      20                                                        
 |   Total Cells:  400                                                       
 |        Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic                                
 |            N: 707999.97864227    S: 628766.19610209   Res: 3961.68912701  
 |            E: 827306.35554785    W: 607862.24148022   Res: 10972.20570338 
 |   Range of data:    min = 0.000000  max = 4241302.000000                  
 |   Data Description:                                                       
 |    generated by r.mapcalc                                                 
 |   Comments:                                                               
 |    dem * rain                                                             


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