On 01/03/2012 04:50 PM, Bulent Arikan wrote:
Dear List,

I rasterized a centroid and ran 'r.univar', whose extended stats are saved as a text file. Then, I ran 'v.db.addtable' to create a second layer in the attribute table of the centroid and I had columns added in this second layer using 'v.db.addcol'. I want GRASS to upload values from the text file but I am not sure how to perform this task. 

Is there a shorter way of creating a second layer and uploading values from the text file or what should I do next so that the columns in the second layer will be populated using the text file I have?

I'm not sure about a shorter way, but here's an option:
First setup your mapset to save attributes to sqlite.
> v.db.connect centroid driver=sqlite database=....

Now add the columns which will accept r.univar values to the sqlite table:
> v.db.addcol centroid col="n double, null_cells double, cells double, min double, max double, range double, mean double, mean_of_abs double, stddev double, variance double, coeff_var double, sum double"

Run r.univar on your raster, putting results into a text file
> r.univar your_rast -g  > univar.txt

Now do this loop to update values for the centroid:
> while read l; do \
    col=`echo $l | cut -d= -f1`; val=`echo $l | cut -d= -f2`; \
    sqlite3 sqlite.db "UPDATE centroid SET ${col}=${val} ;"; \
> done < univar.txt

Assuming you want to run this for several centroids/areas, you'll probably want to add a WHERE clause to the UPDATE statement so as to put values for only one certain row (centroid).

HTH, Micha

Thank you for your time.

GRASS 6.5 svn on Snow Leopard


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