

The handling of overlapping areas is the reason I keep recompiling the older version of v.buffer as v.oldbuffer. This lets me use the old debug flag to prevent it from cleaning the areas, which I can then turn into discrete areas instead of having them combined by the newer version. Which reminds me, since the latest upgrade ...


On 24/02/12 7:30 PM, Hamish wrote:
Richard wrote:
rather than the 47 categories I need (because there are 47
distinct  areas in the buffer.

So: how do I reassign the cats so there are 47 instead of 1
in the buffer?
# get rid of the old
v.category type=centroid op=del
# create some new sequential ones
v.category type=centroid op=add cat=1 step=1

(cat= is the number it starts counting from)

if you need the cat to match the seed point, use v.distance as earlier
suggested. and do beware of what becomes of overlapping areas.


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