> is it known when Ubuntu and GRASS repos will be updated?
> I'm interested in a debian repo providing GRASS 6.4.2

I could build you something now, but it may be slow and broken.

I don't really want to manually build experimental packages for all Ubu
versions, both 32 and 64 bit, (too many!) but if there are a bunch of
people all wanting "11.10 in 64bit" or similar flavour if you ask nicely
I might be able to set up a virtual machine and build them for you. (but
again, they may be slow and broken)
Since this crosses the border into inefficient time sink-land, you'd owe
me a beer. (a small donation to the GRASS paypal general fund would do too)

alternately (preferably), you might try to build them on your own, see

or just wait a little while longer while we sort out the official


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