On 28/04/2012 00:54, Asher Hoskins wrote:


I've got a map with multiple layers that was originally created from a DXF file (via v.in.dxf). I want to output a single layer as a KML file so that it can be loaded into Google Earth (for a non-Grass user) but when I do:

  v.out.ogr type=line input=esw_g26a format=KML dsn=main.kml layer=7

I get all layers output, not just layer 7.

Am I doing something silly here?

Not silly, but maybe not what you expect.

Layers are database links, so you could very well have a vector with 7 layers, where all the geographic features, are in all the layers.  Choosing a certain layer mean choosing which attribute table is connected to the features, but not necessarily which features.

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