I am using rasters, areas, borders, and points in an eps file using ps.map.  I 
want the points to be placed under an area layer, because I only want the 
relevant points to a specific country to be seen.  Not matter what order I put 
the commands in (vpoints before or after varea), the points appear on top.  I 
am running GRASS 6.4 in the Linux environment.  Any thoughts on what to do to 
make this work?




Timothy S. Thomas
Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
2033 K St. NW, Washington, DC 20006-1002 (Room 5035)
t.s.tho...@cgiar.org         www.ifpri.org
(w) +1-202-862-4605         (f) +1-202-467-4439
skype: timothy.s.thomas

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