On 20/06/2012 13:09, J22lill wrote:
I have to convert lines into points using  the v.to.points command, but it
doesn't succeed. Also, I am not particularly familiar with GRASS yet. 

I always got the same error:
/v.to.points input=gr_ne_water_clip_lines@Kodutoo2 type=line llayer=1
"output=C:/Documents and Settings/Kasutaja/My Documents/Dropbox/EMU
PhD/EpiNOVA GIS/Assignments/Kodutöö2/kodutöö
vol2/vietnam_ne_water_linestopoints.shp" dmax=100 -v
Illegal filename. Character  not allowed.

Illegal vector map name . Character ':' not allowed.
As the error says, you can't have the ':' in the path name.
Try output="\Documents and Settings\Kasutaha\...." without the c:

Also two more comments-

You have the output name ending in .shp. This will NOT create a shapefile. You are creating a GRASS vector named "vietnam_ne_water_linestopoints.shp". You will then have to use the module v.out.ogr to export the GRASS vector to a shapefile

Also, it seems you have the LOCATION and MAPSET as names with "special" characters "öö". That might be asking for trouble. Sometimes it will work, sometimes maybe not...
I usually try to keep my grassdata directory with no spaces or special characters anywhere in the path. Might be overly cautious, but directory name errors are sometimes hard to find.

Output vector map name is not valid map name
Finished with error/

Can somebody help me? 

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/How-to-convert-lines-into-points-tp4982616.html
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