Dear all,

Last week I presented a set of three new GRASS-AddOns for analyzing landscape 
connectivity based on graph-theory at the European Congress of Conservation 
Biology (ECCB, in Glasgow . This set of tools applies 
methods documented (a.o.) in the following literature to the input data you 
might have.

Bunn, A. G., Urban, D. L. & Keitt, T. H. 2000: Landscape connectivity: A 
conservation application of graph theory. Journal of Environmental Management 
(2000) 59: 265-278.
Calabrese, J. M. & Fagan, W. F. 2004</b>: A comparison-shopper's guide to 
connectivity metrics. Front Ecol Environ 2 (10): 529-536 .[0529:ACGTCM]2.0.CO;2<;2>
Minor, E. S. & Urban, D. L. 2008: A Graph-Theory Framework for Evaluating 
Landscape Connectivity and Conservation Planning. Conservation Biology 22 (2): 
Zetterberg, A.,  Mörtberg, U. M. & Balfors, B. 2010: Making graph theory 
operational for landscape ecological assessments, planning, and design. 
Landscape and Urban Planning (2010) 95: 181-191.
Ranius, T. & Roberge, J.-M. 2011: Effects of intensified forestry on the 
landscape-scale extinction risk of dead wood dependent species. Biodiversity 
and Conservation 20 (13): 2867-2882.

The input data the tools take are:

-          A polygon vector map containing habitat patches (of your species / 
habitat type in question) and a column for a population proxy (e.g. patch 
area). (required)

-          A cost raster map (for more information on that see the 
r.cost-manual) (optional; if no cost raster is provided Euclidean distance is 

-          Dispersal information

o   A maximum (cost) distance threshold for assumed connectivity

o   A dispersal kernel (defined by three variables of a negative exponential 
decay function (see eg. Bunn et al. 2000)

The outputs are connectivity measures on vertex (=patch) level, edge (= the 
connection between two patches) level, and graph (the entire network) level. 
With r.connectivity.corridors you can also identify corridors for the 
connections (edges) you select, and you can weight their importance based on a 
column of your choice (e.g. connectivity measures from

The tools (and documentation) can be found in the GRASS AddOns SVN repository 
(see: r.connectivity.distance,, r.connectivity.corridors 
in the They are UNIX-shell (and one 
R-) scripts.

Required additional software is: Cran R with at least the packages "igraph" 
(version 0.6-2) and "nlme" installed. If you want to make use of parallel 
processing / multi-threading you need also the packages "doMC", "foreach", 
"iterators", "codetools", and "multicore". But multithreading is only supported 
on LINUX. The tools have not been tested on Windows yet, but this will be done 
in near future.

Any kind of feedback would be very much appreciated!


P.S.: What do you think, how helpful would an example based on the spearfish 
dataset be? If you think so, I will add that to the documentation, as soon as 
the projects which triggered the development of the r.connectivity.*-tools are 

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