Concerning the boundaries rendering too thick; under GUI settings (menu:
settings - preferences) under the tab 'Map display', you can set the
Display driver from Cairo (the default I think) to png. That will bring you
back to thinner lines.

I was going to answer that there was an option to disable anti-alias, but I
can't find that option. But I guess that is what Cairo display is doing;
anti-aliasing the lines.

As for the g.copy problem with selecting multiple maps, I can confirm that
doesn't work. Sounds like a bug to me, perhaps you can file a bug report?



On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Richard Chirgwin <
> wrote:

>  I'm late coming to Grass-GIS 7.0. Partly, this is because I'm also not
> enthusiastic about migrating all my stuff to a new OS that I don't need.
> However, I decided to run up Debian in a VM and give it a spin.
> My very first observation relates to the Python interface: compared to
> either the old TCL-TK or the former d.mon X11, boundaries render too thick.
> It's an aesthetic issue only, but I've worked with people who are willing
> to fight for their desired "look" practically to the death. Examples are
> included and I hope they survived intact.
> Python:
> Second, Python selection panels, for modules that should allow multiple
> selections, work badly.
> For example, g.copy. In the TCL-TK interface, I can use g.copy for
> multiple copies. OK, I usually use the command-line anyhow, but: If I
> attempt a second selection in the Python interface pane, it replaces the
> first selection instead of adding to it.
> I'll continue fooling around with 7.0 and hope nobody - particularly our
> ever-helpful Markus and the rest of the development team - think I'm being
> deliberately critical. I've been a user of Grass-GIS for six years now, and
> it's an indispensable part of my professional life. (I recently saw a
> company devote two weeks - I am not kidding - of ESRI temporary employee
> time doing stuff in the GUI that a competent Grass-GIS user would complete
> in hours, using v.distance and some database updates. The non-GIS manager
> simply didn't believe my time estimate, even after a demo. "No, we'll spend
> $4k on what we know.").
> Cheers,
> Richard C
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