I don't know if these two issues ought to be remedied since version 7.0
seems to be the focus, but the devs should be aware of them in any case.

  1) With the cursor in the Layer Manager the keyboard shortcut to open a
vector layer (C-S-v) works as expected, but the shortcut to open a raster
layer (C-S-r) does not. The latter brings up a dialog box informing that a
raster map name needs to be provided in the dialog box. My response is
always, "D'uh, that's what I want to do." Should be a simple fix; copy the
vector dialog box invocation code.

  2) When a vector map in the Layer Manager is selected (e.g., to alter
display properties), the selection of the label column is lost. If that is
not manually reselected the map will not display when the property box is


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