> I was having the same error in openSUSE OBS about gui/wxpython and it is
> now fixed in svn (branch_64).
OK, I requested a build. let's see.

> I see that there is a direct mirror from subversion to bazaar in LP.
All code is here:

> This should trigger a build on every new commit through the recipe, but
> is this really needed? Perhaps this should be done weekly.
LP only has daily or upon request.

> I had a look at the debian files in case I could create a grass7 (like
> the one for openSUSE) but the rule file is very complicated. Is it due
> to lintian checks?
I'd taken that from the original debian package and modified only
slightly to the needs of less robust daily builds.

The package rules is a real science...
I am still in the lower undergrad level...

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