Vincent Bain wrote:

> Thank you Glynn for your answer, I'll trim my configure command.
> If I ever need to output video, what is the minimum version of avcodec
> to build against ?

I don't know.

Actually, the OSGF library attempts to support older versions:

                if (url_fopen(&oc->pb, filename, URL_WRONLY) < 0) { 
                if (avio_open(&oc->pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) {

So it will use the old API for versions of libavformat prior to

Presumably that version number should be higher; your error message
suggest that you're using a newer version but which doesn't define the
newer macro.

I have no idea how the package versions (e.g. 5:0.7.15-dmo1)
correspond to ffmpeg's internal version numbers. E.g. here I have
ffmpeg-0.10.3, which has:

        Library         Version         Defined in header

        libavutil       51.35.100       libavutil/avutil.h
        libavformat     53.32.100       libavformat/version.h
        libavcodec      53.61.100       libavcodec/version.h
        libavdevice     53.4.100        libavdevice/avdevice.h
        libavfilter     2.61.100        libavfilter/version.h

Glynn Clements <>
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