Hello user list,
I have a question concerning equal distant buffer lines

I struggle in creating equal distant buffer lines for a central
reference line (e.g. a river):

E.g. say I have a river and would like to generate lines and as well
areas of 10, 30, 50m distance to that river in order to attach
protection schemes to these.

So I do:
v.buffer --overwrite --verbose input=streams@PERMANENT
output=streams_buff distance=200

=> Problem:
        * the distance (200m) is not written in the database (attributes table)
of streams_buff
        * How can I achieve this?

=> Trying with v.parallel does not yield anything:
v.parallel -b --overwrite --verbose input=streams@PERMANENT
output=streams_para distance=300 minordistance=0 side=left

=> How do I create equally spaced lines (every 50m) within the area
between two polygons (circle with inner island)?

It would be great to receive some helpful hints and tips on above
outlined question.

Kind regards and thanks in advance,

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