On 16/05/2013 11:48, Johannes Radinger wrote:

I wanted to export a point vector to a .shp file. This works except for
a column that does not get exported. I have tried it in grass70 and grass65 (in Ubuntu) but both without success. The attribute column that is not exported was created in the attribute table view and populated with a sqlite-command. The column
is of type DOUBLE and stores the value 0.5 for all points.

Here the error (in grass65, but the same in grass70) :
v.out.ogr -e --overwrite input=barriers@PERMANENT type=point dsn=/path/to/output
Warning 1: Field Riv of width 1000 truncated to 255.
Warning 1: Field Site of width 1000 truncated to 255.
Warning 1: Field type of width 1000 truncated to 255.
ERROR 6: Failed to add field named 'passability'
Exporting 20 geometries...

Maybe the name "passability" is too long? The dbf component of a shapefile is limited to column names of 10 characters.

What is the reason for that and how can it be solved?

Best regards,

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